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Darwin Station
Lonesome George (died in 2012 at age 102)
Plenty of food on Santa Cruz
White-cheeked pintail
Marine iguanas feed underwater..
…then return…
…to shore…
…to warm-up
Marine iguana
Fernandina, Puenta Espinoza
Iguanas fighting (mating season)
Iguanas are different…
…on different islands
Male (colorful) and female iguanas
Plaza Sur, Opuntia and Sesuvium already red in dry season
Isabela, Urbina Bay turtle nesting site (accessible only off season)
Old turtle egg shell
Turtle track on the beach
Sea turtle…
Interesting creatures…
…hide under rocks…
Crabs are everywhere…
American oyster catcher
Yellow warbler
Lagoon in lava field looks “dead” but it is connected underground to the sea
Shark looking for something
American flamingos…
…feeding in lagoons
Frigate birds
..come to bathe
Sea turtle
Waived albatrosses…
Waived albatrosses with their chick…
…saying god-by for a few years
…getting ready…
…ready to jump off the cliff…
Rocky coast is home to blue footed boobies
Nazca boobies
Flightless cormorant
…building nest…
Sea lion
Bachelor colony of sea lions
Fur seals
Galapagos penguins…
…on the Equator…
… cormorants
cold Humboldt current…
Brown pelican
Frigate birds
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