Hyde Park and Palos Forest Preserve

History trail: Fermi in Chicago


Osaka Garden – Hyde Park Chicago

We have nice winter in Chicago this  year for Christmas, some snow and temps dropping below -10℃, perfect for an afternoon winter walk in Jackson Park: around Wooded Island and to Japanese (Osaka) Garden

Cache River and Shawnee National Forest

Five days. Itinerary: Barkhausen Cache River Wetlands Center ➜ Big Cypress ➜ Heron Pond trail ➜ Lower Cache River ➜ Garden of the Gods ➜ Giant City Park

Cache River swamp with tupelo (Nyssa biflora) and bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) were you can park your canoe next to a 1000 yo trees standing in 6 ft of water. We rented canoes from White Crane Canoe Rentals, renamed  ☞ Cache Bayou Outfitters.

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