Love your reports, feels like I am travelling with you!
O rany, to obeszliście całe polskie góry! gratulacje!
We have set-up companion page: ☞ The Wandering Spot on Facebook for shorter, more frequent posts on the go. Look…
Yes, it is ambitious plan maximum. We are already refining it looking at ferries, for example. We will have to…
Looks like an ambitious road trip. I will be following your journey, as I have many of the same National…
What a great instruction with fantastic photos – excellent sharing your knowledge and experience!
Finally found time to write about our ☞ Subaru Forester minimalistic camper.
Yes. Reinforced workbench in the back with added mounting rails, small storage baskets and light, no need to pack/unpack some…
Lovely spot! Did the improvements work?
Published all posts for Eastern Canada road trip
Currently posting about Newfoundland
We are in the process of writing-up posts for ☞ Eastern Canada road trip.
The first two weeks we cooked almost all meals ourselves stopping from time to time to buy veggies,fruit, bread etc.…
Fascinating! How was the local food?
Oh, how beautiful! So much green. The road did not look too bad. Thanks for the photos and the story,…
A organizatorem Narodowego Tańczenia jest Polski Teatr Tańca / It is worth knowing that the organizer of National Dancing in…
A na dodatek slonecznie i cieplo jak w lecie. Troche malo ciemnej czerwieni
Wszystkie kolory jesieni!
Pamiętam. Zostały nasze zdjęcia . Nie były to wielkie wyczyny ale było dobrze.
Lovely photos! amazing views
We are slowly catching up with our reports. Selecting best shots from 5383 photos is a challenge. Hope to add…
I knew and used the phrase “Petrified forest” but I didn’t realize they looked so amazing. I like your writing…
Beau-ti-fullll!! Photos very impressive..
Life can be realy wonderful if you work hard to achieve great things. But small people who must deal with…
It is always more difficult to walk at altitude. We were gaining altitude slowly, Piotr didn’t have any symptoms, but…
I wonder if you felt the altitude?
Przepiękne zdjęcia!
We saw ~30 people/day, I think. More in popular areas like Rae loop, Kearsage trail (exiting to Onion Valley), going…
My (Piotr) Merells survived OK with obvious, but just surface damage/wear. Walked some 350 miles in them already. They are…
For photography, we relied entirely on iPhone XS to keep weight down, decent photo quality plus apps (maps, GPS, docs),…
Extremely impressive! 14 km ascent is a lot! Looking forward to more details.. How many hikers were on the trail?…
Great achievement. Congrats.
Happy people go on wonderful trips or wonderful trips make people happy. Good luck.
Thank you!
Good luck! we are keeping our flingers crossed for good hike. 🙂
Best o luck and have fun!
Fantastic trip and super photos. Like the beaver and laudry superior !!
Ja to bym się wykąpała!
Piękna dzicz! troche płasko, ale pieknie… No i cudnie ze malo komarów – u nas wtym roku troche bylo. Daszek…
Oh, this is very ambitious! Ale zazdroszczę wam też!
Piekne! Mi sie ten Inca najbardziej podoba
Piekne podsumowanie!
Super zdjecia! Wszystko znajome, ale ciut inne 🙂
Dodalem do postu 1 min video z platypusami
Jakie cudne dziobaki!! Ogolnie przyroda super.
Pieknie! Och, tez bym tam chciala byc
No pieknie jest w tym Sydney!
Hej, no to zwiedziles moje rodzinne strony (Malbork juz nie, bo to Zulawy, za Wisla) Moja Mama mieszka 3 min…
Seems like a place I want to visit. Some of the mosques seem serene, cathedrals too. The food looks like…
przechodzilem przez rynek poznym popoludniem i bylo pelno ludzi, w pewnej chwili zrobilo sie pusto gdziekolwiek spojrzalem, jakas anihilacja ?
Co ten Poznan taki pusty, czy zdjecia o swicie robione?
jest to 30-40 m okragla plyta szklana w ktorej odbija sie niebo, pod spodem sa panele sloneczne, ktore po zachodzie…
Bardzo pieknie! Co to jest “greeting to the Sun” bardzo zagadkowo wyglada.. Jedzenie i wino bardzo apetyczne 🙂
Hej, good to hear from you! fantastic pictures!
What views! All the best wishes for the next part of the trip!
Bardzo egzotycznie. Rozumeim ze jestescie po drugiej stronie globu i stad te zdjecia do gory nogami.. Dobrej aklimatyzacji, pieknych widokow…
Hi, almost exactly the same route, although I made it in a very bad weather. So the lovely views are…
Tak, wrzosowiska. Byly wielkie wrzosy (giant heather). Wrzosowiska sa nizej, nad lasem, po obu stronach gory ale po stronie Chogorii…
Niesamowite widoki, piekna roslinnosc! Jak ten moorland bedzie po naszemu, przeciez nie wrzosowiska? Imponujaca wyprawa, gratulacje!
Hej, a jak ci sie podobal Gdansk? Mam ciagle niedosyt zdjec z Portugalii Pozdrawiam,
Ach, jak ci zazdroszcze tej Lizbony – jest piekna! Kiedy bylam, akurat byla kiepska pogoda i widoki znacznie mniej wspaniale.
Powinieneś jeszcze jechać do Warszawy jak zwiedzasz wszystkie stolice 🙂
swietne zdjecia!
Bardzo ładnie
After short “detour” to ☞ Mexico we are back writing-up reports from our road trip to ☞ Western Canada and…